Manuela Curtis

"Adults move because their will directs them, but not so with the small child. The small child is urged by nature."

— Maria Montessori

Manuela Curtis at Autana Montessori School

My name is Manuela Curtis and I was born and raised in Germany. While living primarily in Europe we raised our seven children bilingual and as a family we always created activities to contribute to our Bavarian community. I taught English as part of an integration program and worked with Albanian and Turkish children.

After that, I worked three years in an outdoor preschool named “Waldkindergarten” and I loved the experience. In 2011 I earned the certificate of Assistant to infancy in the Montessori Europe in Munich which included insights on the work of Dr. Emmi Pikler (RIE approach). Later in Denver , I completed my teacher certification in AMI Denver for children (0 -3). I have worked in Colorado for many years.

My hobbies include reading, traveling, listening to music, knitting, sewing, and spending quality time with my loved ones and friends.